Article 39. Postal personnel who refuse to handle the postal businesses which should be handled according to law or who intentionally delay the delivery of postal materials shall be given administrative disciplinary sanction. 第三十九条邮政工作人员拒不办理依法应当办理的邮政业务的,故意延误投递邮件的,给予行政处分。
Any member of the Macao Garrison who breaches military discipline shall be subject to disciplinary sanction. 澳门驻军人员违反军队纪律的,给予纪律处分。
And the competent authorities shall impose disciplinary sanction on the violator, and also on the person who is in charge of the business operating unit. 主管部门应当对直接责任人和经营单位负责人给予行政处分。
In the Qing dynasty, the officials's penal system includes two parts: disciplinary sanction and penal punishment. 清代官吏惩戒制度分为行政处分、罚制裁两大类别。
Medical personnel helps a patient cogged, give disciplinary sanction, the clue is serious, move send a judiciary processing. 医务人员协助患者作弊,给予行政处分,情节严重的,移送司法机关处理。
The institution for supervision and administration of state-owned assets shall impose upon the directly responsible person in charge and the directly liable persons in accordance with the law a disciplinary sanction of not severer than removal from posts; 国有资产监督管理机构对直接负责的主管人员和直接责任人依法给予纪律处分,直至撤销职务;
Administrative sanction, as well as administrative punishment, is a way to carry out the administrative legal responsibility, and it has a essential difference from the disciplinary sanction born of the illegal action. 行政处分与行政处罚一样,是行政法律责任的实现方式,它与因单纯的违纪行为所导致的纪律处分有本质的区别。
Legal procedure of disciplinary education sanction is a general unity of implementing methods, steps and orders executed by educational administrative department. 教育行政处罚程序是教育行政部门实施教育行政处罚的方法、步骤、顺序的总称,包括一般程序、简易程序和听证程序。
Analyzing the cause, purpose and concrete operation of these policy by Qianlong, this measure had close relations with disciplinary sanction which the high-ranking official received. 从乾隆罚扣地方大员养廉银的缘由、目的及具体运作来分析,这项措施与地方大员所受的行政处分有密切关系。
The flaws should be relieved by means such as penalty, disciplinary sanction, civil compensation and criminal compensation. 罪犯的身体健康权的缺损应通过刑罚处罚、行政处分、民事损害赔偿和刑事赔偿等主要手段予以救济。
We should set up strict legal liability, including administrative disciplinary measure and economical sanction and pursuit of criminal punishment. 应建立严格的法律责任,包括行政处分、经济制裁和追究刑事责任。
The university has the right of punishment whose legal nature is belong to administrative power according to the law, so we ought to deal with disciplinary sanction in legal administration procedure. 高校依法享有学生处分权,其法律性质应属于行政权力,应当按照行政程序对学生进行处分,遵循正当程序。
The article leads in case of previous survey data to statistical analysis of the phenomenon, to identify the crux of a disciplinary sanction disputes relief system, critical to learn from the disciplinary sanction of civil law and common law disputes system. 文章以案例引出问题,通过对前人调查的数据重新统计分析,透过现象,找出违纪处分纠纷救济制度的症结所在,批判性借鉴大陆法系和英美法系成功的违纪处分纠纷救济制度。
The relief model as the prototype of a disciplinary sanction disputes relief mode to Western developed countries, and on this basis, the Chinese element, making it a disciplinary sanction disputes relief mode. 这种救济模式以西方发达国家的违纪处分纠纷救济模式为原型,在此基础上,加入中国元素,使之成为中国式的违纪处分纠纷救济模式。